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Ep. 265

Melanoma is a commonly encountered, often metastatic, disease in canine patients. In this episode of Clinician’s Brief Partner Podcast, Dr. Beth invites Dr. Timothy Fan to share advice on the clinical management of melanoma in practice. Dr. Fans offers insights on staging, surgical intervention, and more, including how the latest scientific advancements have led to new treatment options.

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Ep. 264

Dr. Bruno discusses how diversity is an urgent need in veterinary medicine, both from the perspective of being a field that historically and currently lacks diversity, as well as needing to meet the needs of our diverse clientele.

Ep. 263

One perk of working in the veterinary field is having improved access to care for our own pets, but do team member pets get special treatment or deep discounts? In this episode, Dr. Alyssa and Dr. Katie compare protocols for treating team member pets at various clinics where they have worked.

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Ep. 261

From stones to cystitis, Dr. Tarricone describes each condition, starting with presentation and ending with surgery. He also offers up plenty of useful surgical tips along the way.

Ep. 258

Dr. Haeussler starts by reviewing all the practical details about indolent ulcers, including how to diagnose them and initiate treatment. Then, for the cases that don’t respond, he explains when and how to perform diamond burr debridement using a dental handpiece.

Ep. 254

Dr. Linklater details his top effusion causes—hemothorax, chylothorax, pyothorax, nonseptic effusion, hydrothorax, and an honorable mention to pneumothorax.

Ep. 256

Dr. Beth and Dr. Alyssa explore how vets were inadvertently included in new Florida legislation exempting them from CE requirements, what's being done to fix the mistake, and the broader implications of varying continuing education requirements across states.

Ep. 252

Dr. Alyssa and Dr. Beth discuss how the recent news of Nationwide dropping 100k+ pet insurance policies changes their outlook on pet insurance.

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Ep. 262

What started as a Facebook group has grown into a powerful force within the veterinary industry, leading the charge on mental wellness. In this episode of Clinician’s Brief Partner Podcast, host Dr. Beth invites Not One More Vet (NOMV) president Dr. Brian Bourquin to join her for an important discussion on one of NOMV’s recent missions. Dr. Bourquin takes a deep dive into the CLEAR Blueprint certification program for clinics committed to making a difference and fostering a healthier work environment.

Sponsored byNot One More Vet
Ep. 260

An innovative, noninsulin drug option has arrived for the management of feline diabetes: the sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor. In this episode of Clinician’s Brief Partner Podcast, host Dr. Beth invites Dr. Christopher Byers to discuss this novel option and how it is changing clinical strategies in the approach to feline diabetes. From case selection and monitoring to pet owner education and more, this episode will answer all your FAQs and leave you feeling ready to implement the latest pharmaceutical in practice.

Sponsored byBoehringer Ingelheim
Ep. 257

What should we expect when using Zenalpha® (medetomidine and vatinoxan hydrochlorides injection), a novel alpha-2 drug combination for sedation in dogs? In this episode of Clinician’s Brief Partner Podcast, host Dr. Beth opens up the discussion on procedural sedation with Brandi Pooley, CVT, who works in a fast-paced Texas shelter that sees a myriad of medical cases. Listen in as Brandi shares what it’s like to use Zenalpha, including how it compares with other alpha-2 options, its onset and duration of action, and her monitoring protocols.

Sponsored byDechra

Meet the podcast hosts

Alyssa Watson

Alyssa Watson, DVM

Located near Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Alyssa Watson earned her DVM from Iowa State University in 2003. In addition to her role as Interactive Medical Editor at VetMedux, she practices at a small animal clinic as well as in-home veterinary hospice end-of-life care.

Beth Molleson

Beth Molleson, DVM

A native Ohioan, Dr. Beth Molleson earned her DVM from The Ohio State University in 2011. In addition to her role as Brief Studio’s Veterinary Officer at VetMedux, she practices in the Cincinnati area as a relief veterinarian.

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