Providing our patients with the best care goes beyond just medicine. Maintaining a positive relationship with our clients is also critical to ensuring our patients get the care they need. In this Client Relationship Education Center brought to you by Covetrus, explore solutions for educating clients, encouraging compliance, and more.

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The only constant in life is change- and the same goes for veterinary medicine. Whether you're new to the field of have been practicing for decades, this webinar will provide you with 6 specific preventive care recommendations that every veterinarian should be making.

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Pharmacists can be valuable resources when it comes to positively impacting veterinary patient care. In this webinar, veterinary pharmacist Elaine Blythe will highlight practices that can enhance the veterinarian–client relationship and support collaborative practice relationships with pharmacists who provide pharmacist care to veterinary patients.

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Having confidence when it comes to meaningful and effective conversations around the cost of veterinary care is critical for improving patient care and client satisfaction. Watch this webinar with Dr. Karen Felsted on how to navigate cost conversations.

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With the wide range of patients and medical conditions seen in veterinary medicine comes a wide range of pharmaceutical needs. In some cases, compounded medications offer the best therapeutic solution, but that can also come with its own hurdles. This webinar will provide essential information on the ever-changing regulatory considerations, dosage forms, and best practices when it comes to compounded drugs in veterinary medicine.


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After Minnow is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, her owners are worried when they can’t get her to take her oral treatment. Follow her case as her care team looks into the available compounded drug options.

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Does it ever feel like the price of veterinary care is driving a wedge between you and your clients? Explore why addressing cost concerns head-on may be the key to seeing eye to eye across the exam table.

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From cancer screening tests to low-stress handling techniques, the face of veterinary preventive medicine has seen a lot of change over the last decade. Read up on these 5 noteworthy changes preventive care has seen in the last 10 years, and get tips on how to effectively communicate these changes to pet owners.

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