Quiz: Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs

ArticleQuizSeptember 20232 min readSponsored
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Sponsored by Ceva Animal Health, LLC

Pancreatitis is a relatively common condition in dogs seen in general veterinary practice. It can be acute or chronic, with clinical disease ranging from mild clinical signs to severe disease that can result in systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan dysfunction, and death. In the United States, symptomatic care has historically been the only means of treatment, as targeted therapies were not available; however, PANOQUELL®-CA1 (fuzapladib sodium for injection), a new therapeutic, has become the first drug conditionally approved in the United States specifically for the management of clinical signs associated with acute canine pancreatitis. Test your knowledge of acute pancreatitis in dogs and learn more about PANOQUELL®-CA1.


The safe use of PANOQUELL®-CA1 has not been evaluated in dogs with cardiac disease, hepatic failure, renal impairment, dogs that are pregnant, lactating, intended for breeding or puppies under 6 months of age. PANOQUELL®-CA1 should not be used in dogs with a known hypersensitivity to fuzapladib sodium. PANOQUELL®-CA1 is a highly protein bound drug and its use with other highly protein bound medications have not been studied. The most common side effects in the pilot field study were anorexia, digestive tract disorders, respiratory tract disorders and jaundice. PANOQUELL®-CA1 is not for use in humans. Limited data is available on the potential teratogenic effects of fuzapladib sodium. Therefore, anyone who is pregnant, breast feeding, or planning to become pregnant should avoid direct contact with PANOQUELL®-CA1. For additional information on the use of PANOQUELL®-CA1, please refer to the package insert.


Conditionally approved by FDA pending a full demonstration of effectiveness under application number 141-567. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product other than as directed in the labeling. Based on the data submitted by the sponsor for the conditional approval of PANOQUELL®-CA1, FDA determined that the drug is safe and has a reasonable expectation of effectiveness when used according to the labeling.

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