Quiz: Managing Canine & Feline Seizures

Elizabeth Thomovsky, DVM, MS, DACVECC , Purdue University

ArticleQuizLast Updated March 20231 min read
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Seizures are a common neurologic disorder in dogs and cats and therefore common presentations in emergency and general clinics.1 Seizure patients can range from those actively experiencing a seizure (ie, emergent) to those presented following a seizure in the home. Understanding how to manage seizures, including in-clinic diagnostics and anticonvulsant treatments, is important.

A generalized seizure occurs when electrical activity in the cerebral cortex of the brain leads to loss of consciousness, tonic-clonic muscular movements, and spontaneous autonomic functions (eg, urination, defecation).2 A continuous seizure lasting >5 minutes or ≥2 seizures without recovery of consciousness is referred to as status epilepticus.2 Cluster seizures are ≥2 seizures that occur within a 24-hour period.2

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Listen to the Podcast

In this podcast episode, Dr. Thomovsky explains how to triage seizure cases, prioritize diagnostics, and gain short-team control with benzodiazepines.