Image Gallery: Canine Eyelid Diseases

DJ Haeussler, Jr, DVM, MS, DACVO, The Animal Eye Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio

ArticleLast Updated November 20151 min readPeer ReviewedWeb-Exclusive
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Canine eyelid disease is one of the most common ophthalmic abnormalities that general practitioners face. Accurate identification and diagnosis is of the utmost importance in determining a treatment plan for patients. These images illustrate common canine eyelid abnormalities.

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Large chalazion of the lower eyelid. Chalazia are firm, painless swellings of the eyelid caused by blocked meibomian glands. Accumulation of secretions in the meibomian gland can lead to chronic inflammation and formation of inspissated granulomatous material. Surgical excision or curettage is typically curative.1