Exclusive Video: Polyp Traction in a Cat

ArticleLast Updated October 20121 min readWeb-Exclusive
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This procedural video shows polyp traction removal from the nasopharynx and external ear canal.

This procedural video shows polyp traction removal from the nasopharynx and external ear canal.

The cat had stertorous breathing and purulent nasal discharge prior to polyp removal from the nasopharynx. For nasopharyngeal polyps, the soft palate is retracted to expose the polyp. Next, curved mosquito forceps are used to grasp the polyp and extract it using constant traction. Of note, the initial grasp of the polyp did not allow release from the point of attachment; however, grasping in another location and applying traction allowed easy release. Extraction of the inflammatory polyp from the ear canal can be accomplished via videoscopy, but otoscopy can also allow approximation of polyp location. Curved forceps are inserted into the ear canal, and the mass is grasped and extracted with traction.

Such procedures are very simple and can provide rewarding results.

This content reflects one expert’s approach and technique and is not subject to peer review.

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